Body Sculpting


Body contouring can help men and women alike achieve their ideal figures. Our San Antonio, TX, practice can use liposuction to target stubborn areas of fat and create smoother, leaner contours in what are often "trouble" areas. Dr. Bernard Kopchinski will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure you enjoy the best possible results.

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[00:00:08.017] Body contouring is the use of usually liposuction [00:00:12.192] to change the shape of the certain body part. [00:00:15.433] The benefits for a patient undergoing body contouring [00:00:18.258] is to achieve the body that they would like. [00:00:23.683] If they have a little bit of adiposity on the abdomen [00:00:26.800] and they want a flatter belly, [00:00:28.442] liposuction will provide that for you. [00:00:30.783] If the 40, 50-year-old male that comes in [00:00:35.033] and he just started recently getting the love handles [00:00:37.886] that he didn't have 10 years prior, [00:00:40.250] liposuction is a great option for that. [00:00:42.592] The young lady that is on the Zoom call meeting [00:00:45.671] and finds that she has a little excess adipocy or fat underneath her chin, [00:00:50.229] liposuction is great for that. [00:00:52.392] The key to any post-operative liposuction recovery [00:00:58.183] is drink plenty of fluids. [00:01:01.225] Now, the beauty about drinking a lot of water is that the second [00:01:04.317] part of post-op or recovery is that you need to get up and walk. [00:01:08.343] If you drink enough water, [00:01:09.483] then you're going to have to get up and go to the bathroom. [00:01:12.325] There you have it, two problems solved.

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Prestige Cosmetic Surgery

At Prestige Cosmetic Surgery in San Antonio, TX, board-certified plastic surgeon Bernard Kopchinski helps patients enhance their appearance through a variety of cosmetic procedures. Dr. Kopchinski is a member of several prestigious organizations, including:

  • The American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • The Texas Medical Association
  • The Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons

Initial consultations with Dr. Kopchinski are free of charge. To schedule a consultation, contact us online or call (210) 255-1764.

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